Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Review: Glittery Bubbly "Sunny Side"

I think I've found the most amazing bubble bar ever...or even bubble bath ever! (For the moment at least) It's called "Sunny Side" and it's from Lush.

It costs £3.30 in the UK and $6.95 in the US, which isn't too bad but there are many more cheaper products available in other retailers. But aside from the price, I do think this bubble bar is amazing! It smells lovely, obviously I won't be able to send the smell virtually (even though I can't wait for that day...) and I don't think it's worth describing it as who knows what I'll come up with! But I'll tell you what's in it so maybe you'll have a rough idea but I do think all noses will love the smell.

OK FINE! Basically it's a citrus smell...I tried to make it sound more incredible but yep, citrus smell. Everyone will still love it though! :)

It is a round, golden soap-like "bar" with lots of edible glitter on it - but don't eat it...

So it has the following ingredients in it, which make it even more gorgeous;
  • Sweet Wild Orange Oil
  • Lemon Oil
  • Tangerine Oil
All of these oils make the bath more moisturising but to be honest I don't think any bath/shower is very moisturising unless you're bathing with an oil/cream in it's natural form.

You place the bar underneath a running tap and crumble it with your hands, it feels very smooth and I enjoyed playing with it because it was so soft! It breaks and forms bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. After you have the amount of water and bubbles you want, stand back to look at the water and it will have become golden and glittery. I thought this looked truly magical and couldn't wait to jump in!

The bubbles last for a very long time but bathing for as long as the bubbles last will transform you into a mermaid - fully.

It's an amazing, rich, gorgeously scented bubble bar and not just for bathing - I kept it in my wardrobe for fragrancing and even though I've used it now my wardrobe still smells of it.

I definitely recommend this bar, and I can almost guarantee everyone will love it.

Thank you for reading!


  1. You've got me DYING to try some Lush! I'm going to Chicago in October and I think there's a Lush there so I'll have to find one!!

  2. Hehe :P I hope you like the stuff when you do get it!


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