I know I've tried to do these before and have succeeded in none, but this time I am very determined and also poor! I will not be purchasing anything to do with beauty from 1st Jan - 30th June 2013. I have been stocking up and fulfilling my addiction in the sales so will post a haul soon but I shan't be buying anything new! I will post my progress in my monthly empties posts.
I spend an awful lot on beauty products, a lot of the time because at the time I think I'd like to review them, as I've mentioned before though living in two cities makes it difficult for me to be able to review products without them getting lost along the way. By not spending on beauty I'm sure I'll save a lot and use up a lot of what I already have! (I think I have enough shower gel to last me for 3 years...)
I've chosen to do this for 6 months as I know there will be a lot of new product releases and I will eventually have to buy something! I will be receiving Glossybox, but that has already been paid for this year and I will allow myself to buy something if I run out, e.g shampoo and conditioner. For some reason those are the only products I haven't got boxes full of!
I may try to extend this to an entire year if I manage the six months - although I imagine an extension would be very unlikely knowing myself...
Are you thinking of going on a spending ban for 2013? I'd love to know!